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Expectant dads’ diet during pregnancy

expectant dads' diet during pregnancy study

Expectant dads’ diet during pregnancy has lasting impact on future health of unborn child, study finds

What expectant dads eat during their partner’s pregnancy has a lasting effect on the future health of their unborn children, a Queensland-based study suggests.

This analysis of contemporary Australian pregnant women and partners’ dietary intake patterns shows that a large proportion of dietary intakes are not aligned with recommendations during pregnancy, with a high proportion also experiencing excessive gestational weight gain. The findings suggest that dietary intake of pregnant women is influenced by age, education levels, and pre-pregnancy BMI. An association exists between womens’ and partners’ dietary intake and their likelihood of alignment with national food and nutrient recommendations. This was particularly so in regard to fruit, vegetables, and meat and alternatives food groups which provide essential pregnancy nutrition for mum and bub.

In the cohort of pregnant women and their partners that were involved in the study, sub-optimal intakes of all foods and nutrients were documented, reflecting the wider Australian population and comparable pregnant populations. Around a third of the kilojoules eaten were from junk food from both women and their partners. While these foods are enjoyable to eat, when eaten in these large amounts they replace more nutritious foods that are required for optimal fetal growth as well as for mum’s health.

Lifestyle Maternity’s Principal Dietitian and lead author of the latest Queensland diet-in-pregnancy research, Dr Shelley Wilkinson, spoke to Janelle Miles from the ABC about the study’s findings.

Read more here.