We want new mums to feel nourished.

Balance at this time can feel hard with competing priorities of your new bub, your family, and with your own often left until last.

Postnatal Nutrition

Nourish yourself while caring for your new baby with our practical lifestyle solutions and support.

Find out why

Postnatal nutrition is so important

When we’ve talked with new mums about what works for them to feel nourished and healthy they’ve told us they’ve needed to adapt routines and habits that used to be their go-to’s for nutrition and exercise. Acknowledging that time is scarce and less flexible, they shared how a little planning and some simple new routines helped them feel less overwhelmed. Many loved online shopping (and even delivery) for groceries, and also relied on meal kits and pre-prepared meals.

To keep active, many women told us online or digital programs were helpful. They loved that these could be done at home at any time. Other things that got them moving was wearables with prompts for activity or joining a group where they could take their baby.

To help women at this time Lifestyle Maternity has partnered with PeNut’s dietitian, Christine Stone. Together, we have developed a 40-recipe postnatal cookbook to help mums meeting these important goals.

Quick facts

About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is recommended for at least six months. Breastfeeding should continue until your baby is at least 12 months old. Remember that breastfeeding, like any new skill, takes time, patience, and practice.

Your breast milk not only has all the nourishment your baby needs for the first six months of life, but it also reduces the risk of your baby getting sick and developing allergies and food intolerances. It also helps protect against diabetes, heart disease and obesity when they grow up.

Breastfeeding protects you from certain cancers and osteoporosis. It also helps you lose weight after your baby’s birth and lowers your risk of developing diabetes if you had it when you were pregnant.

Unsure what the benefits are of an

Individual consultation?

New mums have told us that healthy eating is on their priority list, along with better sleep, moving more, and feeling connected with community and friends. But sometimes to even leave the house to make this happen can be hard. This was one of our main reasons for wanting to offer flexible and affordable telehealth appointments. We want new mums to have access to affordable, easy, regular check-ins for accountability and support as they create their ‘new normal’ healthy lifestyle.

Please reach out to us and make an appointment if you would like to partner with us on your journey.

Ongoing support and resources

At each stage we support you with member resources

After your initial appointment you will receive access to additional online resources, Nutrition Essentials’ handouts and worksheets that guide your setting of lifestyle goals, as well as trackers to monitor your nutrition and physical activity changes.