Our Partners

Personalised Nutrition


PeNut’s Christine Stone, APD and Lifestyle Maternity’s Director and Principal Dietitian, Dr Shelley Wilkinson, AdvAPD have created some beautiful new resources that are tailored to the ever changing needs of your maternity journey.

In partnership, we have created a PRECONCEPTION meal plan, PREGNANCY 50-recipe cookbook, and a POSTNATAL 40-recipe cookbook. Check them out here.

Who are PeNut?

PeNut are Accredited Practising Dietitians with over a decade of experience in some of Australia’s largest hospitals, supporting patients with complex dietary requirements to effectively manage their conditions, and enjoy food again.

We are living in the age of precision medicine and personalised nutrition. No two people are the same, and nor should their diets be.

There are many meal plans online, and often free, however the majority are focused simply on weight loss, almost none take medical considerations or intolerances into account, and they lack the credibility of a professional behind them.

PeNut is different. They are run by dietitians with expert knowledge of medical nutrition therapy who have the experience and skills to manage multiple complex medical conditions, diets, allergies, intolerances and preferences.

Our passion is food, let us help you navigate the complexities.

Our Sister Clinic

Lifestyle Metabolic

Lifestyle Metabolic is a Brisbane based multi-disciplinary clinic and the sister clinic to Lifestyle Maternity. Their mission is to empower their patients with the education, tools and help they need to achieve their health and weight control goals.

They believe that difficult to lose, excess body weight is a chronic medical condition and should be managed as such. They recommend a team approach, utilising multiple treatment options to source individual success.

Lifestyle Metabolic

Initiative of Koori artist Sylvia Khan

Bomsy Designs

Sylvia comes from the Bandjalang Tribe, Box Ridge Mission – Bundjalung Nation. Sylvia’s business is named Bomsy after her grandmother. “My grandmother taught me to read the land, know our storylines and dialect. My artwork represents these stories passed down through generations. Our culture is rich, surviving and thriving.”

Lifestyle Maternity’s online groups start with an Acknowledgment of Country which is illustrated by one of Bomsy’s images, BINGUAL (Bundjalung Nation). This depicts a bingual (pregnant) doobai (woman) entering into motherhood. The doobai is centred, carrying her jarjum. She has a spiritual connection to her ancestors who protect her on her journey.

The original painting of this image was painted as a mural in the Women’s Care Unit, Lismore Base Hospital. A print of BINGUAL was also given to Lifestyle Maternity’s director by one of her women’s health physiotherapy colleagues/PhD students who completed a project with a strong focus of co-designing antenatal education with women. It also hold a special place in the heart of those at Lifestyle Maternity.

A percentage of the attendance cost for each of Lifestyle Maternity’s groups is donated to a cause that is close to Sylvia’s heart as thanks for the ongoing use of her artwork. The first recipient will be supporting a project related to Waijungbah Jarjums Maternal & Child Health Service, QLD Health where Sylvia works as a Senior Indigenous Social Worker. Waijungbah Jarjums have created a Jalum (fish) Swimming Program for mums and bubs from 6mth-24mths to participate free of charge, no costs to parents to attend. Part of this healthy activity for parents to engage and be supported through a 10-week program engaging in safe water practices, bonding and attachment.

Currently in the development stage, the team are putting some fantastic ideas together! These include an incentive pack for parents and their jarjums so that they may attend over 5 consecutive Jalum Swimming sessions. Sylvia is helping designing ‘washable nappies’ in two of her own designs. The little jarjums will receive one re-usable/washable nappy to use for swimming or as an ongoing daily use. This will help each jarjum have a sense of connection and belonginess to Country.

Working with acrylic paint Sylvia decorates ceramic mugs, candles and planters. She also offers a range of originally decorated keep cups. Her unique designs make these cups perfect for gifts for any special occasion.

Sylvia is happy to answer any sales or product inquires, if you would like to ask any questions please email her or reach out to her on Instagram or Facebook.

Interested in becoming a partner with Lifestyle Maternity?

Our partners recognise that a person’s maternity journey can be enhanced through optimal nutrition and physical activity by being supported to adopt more healthy habits.

They also know that that epigenetics underpins these intergenerational benefits.

Please message us to discuss how to package a Lifestyle Maternity group or visit bundle into your high-quality services.